What qualifies Lloydshare to offer a consultancy service to the Timeshare Industry?

For over 20 years, Lloydshare has been having discussions with people who bought a Timeshare, and people who, after taking a sales tour, did not.

We have engaged with people trying to cancel their purchases within days, and with those who have retained them for a few years, then lost interest, and considered discarding them for a multitude of reasons. As purveyors of a Loyalty Reward Product, our business interest has lain for many years in understanding the viewpoint and priorities of those who keep the Vacation Industry going – the Timeshare owner/club member.

The conversations we have had over the years with these most important of stakeholders has helped Lloydshare Consulting to separate industry breakage into its two key categories : The Fixed Breakage which cannot be combatted, and the Flexible Breakage, which incentives and basic customer care can really impact.

Lloydshare is hugely interested to hear fresh perspectives and recent feedback.  Some of the ideas we are able to explain and commend to you, such as Trial Memberships, have been developed on the back of suggestions put to us by our own clients.  These are people who want their resort to thrive, because a successful resort constantly improves its standards and services!  Vacation owners have a vested interest in their resort surviving hard times – discussions with clients whose resorts have folded taught us that!

What services should you offer to attract a specific cohort of clients?  Hear more about the Lloydshare Cultural Survery, and find out! What has the true impact of Covid been for Vacationers?  Are they fearful of committing to travel in future?

Lloydshare continually engages in market research with key parties – there is no surer source of industry expertise.